The Government of Aruba has awarded the concession for the USD 100mln PPP Watty Vos Boulevard project to the company Mota-Engil. The appointment of Mota-Engil as preferred bidder took place end of July, and marked the transition to the Financial Close phase of the tender procedure. Last Tuesday, 22 September, Mota-Engil gave a press conference about the appointment. Senior associate and project development specialist Tom Peeters of VANEPS assisted Mota-Engil throughout the whole process, which started in February 2014.
The Watty Vos Boulevard project encompasses the design, construction, financing and maintenance of the Watty Vos Boulevard in Aruba. This includes the construction of a new road around Oranjestad over a distance of about 7 kilometers, a renovation of the existing road and the design and construction of 13 intersections and 2 overpasses. Furthermore, a new bike route will have to be designed and built along almost the entire route. The construction is estimated to be finalized within a period of 2.5 years.
In the Financial Close phase, the VANEPS team will advise Mota-Engil regarding the financing and the corporate structure best suited to execute the company’s activities once the project has started.