Our people
Diek Fabius
Diek Fabius is an expert in the area of corporate law and is particularly engaged in transactions, on- and offshore commercial contracts and the DCSX listings. Diek has been a partner at VANEPS since January 2024.
Diek mainly advises clients in the transaction process. He advises (inter)national clients in takeover procedures and clients who are or want to be listed at DCSX (shares and debt securities). He furthermore assists (multi)national clients who perform on- and offshore activities in Suriname.
He does not only advise during the transaction itself, but also during the
preparatory, due diligence and implementation phase of the relevant processes. Diek also leads the intellectual property practice of VANEPS and the associated trademark agency.
Before Diek joined VANEPS, he worked at PwC Legal for eight years. During this period, he mostly worked on the legal aspects of takeovers within PwC’s multidisciplinary deals practice. Prior to that he worked at, inter alia, Maaldrink (corporate law) in The Hague and Stibbe (intellectual property and corporate law) in Amsterdam.
Diek graduated from Utrecht University in 2001 and successfully completed his professional training in Amsterdam.
Related activities
- Is registered to the following legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal area(s): Corporate law.
The Netherlands Bar Registry
Diek has registered the following principal legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal practice areas (rechtsgebiedenregister): Corporate Law.
Based on this registration, he/she is required to obtain ten training credits per calendar year in each registered principal legal practice area in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar.